Monday, September 6, 2010

Care in return


How does it feel when you think people you really care for, don’t care for you in return?


  1. It kills one every time one receives apathy in return of one's concern for others!

  2. It feels absolutely awful =[

    but this happens often, and we cant always realize the other person how much we care for them and they don't care enough for us!

    but thn again, its selfish to ask for care in return of care!

    if you care for someone thats your problem not his/her ;)

  3. @Saadil: But do we care for that person ONLY so that we get care in return? Is it that selfish a concept?

    @WarmSunshine: It does, I agree, but should it?

    @Palvshe: Thats my point, Isn't it selfish to ask for care in return of care. Why do we EXPECT care in return? Do we care because the other person asked us to care for them?

  4. Well its human nature i think ... and we cant change it! ... Whats your opinion bhai?

  5. I once reply this on my friends fb.

    when you care for others, expect non for self. If they care in return then they truly care about you else you will find yourself with a broken heart. so always have zero expectations and don't be selfish by having one.
